Lxiscare is a company that for about 10 years is dedicated to providing all kinds of support personalized to patients in total or partial dependence situation, with different needs: physical limitations, dementias, rough, palliative care, disabled or in a state of convalescence.
Thus, occasional or permanent 24/7 – 365 days a year, (Internal employed) our multidisciplinary professionals ensure numerous services concerning health at home, Personal hygiene, household cleaning and monitoring) in different situations (consultations, hairdressers, trips to the bank and the grocery store, walking …).
All our employees are selected according to the requirements and the profile of the person who needs the respective care, having previously been subject to a rigorous assessment, the level of technical and emotional skills, by the Human Resources of Lxiscare.
Our support is specialized in Alzheimer’s patients, Parkinson’s and other dementias is performed by experienced professionals with high sensitivity and preparation for such situations, and monitoring and supervision by the clinical psychologist from Lxiscare.
For any further clarification, please feel free to contact our team. We can make na evaluation visit and presente a budget withou any commitment.